Monday, July 11, 2011

At Cave In Rock in Illinois

So the beauty of bike tour it that people take better care of you than car tour. At Cave In Rock we pull into the campsite and are starting to set up camp when the hosts come up on their gator. We are chatting with them and asking them about where to eat. They are mentioning various restaraunts. We ask which ones would serve a beer (since it's in the mid 90s, we've pedaled over 50 miles and forsee with no upcoming respite from the heat we figure atleast a beer would sooth our insides). He tells up that this is dry county and there is nothing available. He pauses for a minutes and then asks how many beers we want. We tell him 1 each would be amazing. The next thing we know he is pulling out a little cooler and handing us each a beer. He states, "we like to take care or our bike tourists." I love the hospitality here!!

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